27 minute read

This lesson explains the scene graph which is a useful structure for 3D scenes that contain many objects and relationships. In the 3D Objects section we introduce fundamental components for the CG framework to render a scene, 3D objects in the scene, and a camera to view it all.

The Scene Graph Framework

Now that we have enough core components in our graphics framework, we can begin building 3D scenes. The leading star of our framework is the scene graph which is a tree-like data structure that connects all the objects in a hierarchical graph. Each object is a node in the graph and has its own place in the hierarchy. The top node from which all other nodes extend is called the root node. A node that extends from another node is called a child node and the node above it is its parent node.

As an example, consider modelling the planets of our solar system revolving around the Sun. The scene graph might look something like this:

Objects in a scene graph are arranged relative to other objects and the scene itself.

The scene itself is the root node and the Sun, which doesn’t move, is its direct child. All the planets then are children of the Sun node. We can add further celestial bodies to their respective positions in the scene graph. For example, moons would be children of the planets around which they revolve. In a scene graph, ancestor nodes include everything from of a given node’s parent node up to the root node. Likewise, the descendants of a node are all the nodes that extend from it. In this example, the ancestors of the Moon are the Earth, Sun, and Scene. Meanwhile the descendants of the Sun include all of the planets and moons.

As mentioned in the lesson on Local Transformations, the global transformation of an object is calculated by accumulating all the individual scaling, rotation, and translations applied to the object and stored in its model matrix. In a scene graph, we can store the model matrix of a node relative to its parent node. Then, we can calculate the global transformation of the object as the product of its own model matrix with the model matrices of all its ancestors. For example, the Moon’s model matrix would be a translation and rotation matrix relative to the Earth while the Earth’s model matrix would be a translation and rotation matrix relative to the Sun. We can then calculate the world transform of the Moon by recursively combining the model matrices of the Moon, Earth, and Sun. How convenient!

We can also group together nodes in a scene graph when we want to collectively transform them. For example, a basic table might be a long, flat box for the surface and four tall, narrow boxes for the legs. Then we can arrange these five boxes relative to each other in a “table” group and apply transformations to the table as a whole.

A table is just a large flat box and four long, narrow boxes

Now let’s take a look at the classes we will use to construct our scene graph.

Overview of Class Structure

The base class for every node will be called Object3D since it represents any object in three-dimensional space. The class will hold the object’s model matrix (as transform), a reference to its parent object, and a list of references to children objects.

A class diagram showing all the components of our scene graph framework

Then, the Scene, Camera, Group, and Mesh classes all extend the Object3D class. The Scene class will enforce a no-parent rule so it will always be the root node of the scene graph. The Camera class stores a projection matrix and a view matrix which are used to transform world objects based on the position and direction of the viewer. The Group class actually has no additional functionality compared to Object3D. We only create it so we can have a semantic parent of a collection of nodes.

The Mesh class represents objects that can be rendered. It will store geometric data about its vertices, appearance data such as its shader program, and a vertex array object that binds its geometric data to its shader program. Later we will implement the Geometry class which manages a mesh’s vertex data in Attribute objects. Another class called Material will manage Uniform objects and OpenGL render settings for the mesh. In the next lesson, we will create a BoxGeometry class and a SurfaceMaterial class from these base classes to render a spinning cube and demonstrate how all these things work together.

Finally, the Renderer class applies the matrices from the Camera to every Mesh object in the Scene to render the final image. In addition to rendering every viewable mesh in the scene through the camera, Renderer also manages OpenGL settings for depth testing, antialiasing, and the clear color.

Now let’s start coding these classes!

3D Objects

The Object3D class implements the logic for a node in a tree graph structure. To this end, it must have the ability to add and remove other nodes as children. It will also enforce a rule for having only a single parent in its lifetime whenever its parent is assigned.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In your core folder, create a new file called scene_graph.py.
Open scene_graph.py for editing and add the following code:

# graphics/core/scene_graph.py
from core.matrix import Matrix

class Object3D:
    """ A node in the scene graph tree structure """
    def __init__(self):
        self._transform = Matrix.identity()
        self._parent = None
        self._children = []

    def parent(self):
        return self._parent

    def parent(self, node):
        """ Set or remove the parent of this node """
        if not isinstance(node, Object3D):
            raise RuntimeError("Parent node must be an instance of Object3D.")
        if self._parent is not None and node is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot replace an existing parent.")
        self._parent = node

    def add(self, child):
        """ Add an object as the child to this object in the scene graph """
        if not isinstance(child, Object3D):
            raise RuntimeError("Child node must be an instance of Object3D.")
        child.parent = self

    def remove(self, child):
        """ Remove a child object from this object """
        child.parent = None

In order for our scene graph to function properly, each node can only have a single parent node. We enforce this rule by creating a setter for the parent property which will run whenever a program tries to assign a new value to the parent property. We can remove the parent by calling this setter with the None value for the new parent. Otherwise, if parent already has a value and the new value is not None, we raise an exception to explain the problem.

Add the next code to the Object3D class for accessing an object’s global transformation matrix and all its descendants.

    def world_matrix(self):
        """ Calculate the transformation of this node relative to the root node """
        if self._parent is None:
            return self._transform
            # recursion!
            return self._parent.world_matrix @ self._transform

    def descendant_list(self):
        """ Get a single list containing all the descendants of this node """
        descendants = [self]
        for child in self._children:
            # more recursion!
            descendants += child.descendant_list
        return descendants

The world_matrix property will recursively apply its transformation matrix to each of its ancestors’ matrices until it reaches a node with no more ancestors (the root node). At that point it returns the final product. The descendant_list property similarly uses recursion to build a list of each node below this one in the graph.

Next, add this code to the Object3D class for applying both local and global transformations.

    def apply_matrix(self, matrix, local=True):
        """ Apply a geometric transformation to this object """
        if local:
            self._transform = self._transform @ matrix
            self._transform = matrix @ self._transform

    def translate(self, x, y, z, local=True):
        """ Calculate and apply a translation to this object """
        m = Matrix.translation(x,y,z)
        self.apply_matrix(m, local)
    def rotate_x(self, angle, local=True):
        """ Calculate and apply a rotation around the x-axis of this object """
        m = Matrix.rotation_x(angle)
        self.apply_matrix(m, local)
    def rotate_y(self, angle, local=True):
        """ Calculate and apply a rotation around the y-axis of this object """
        m = Matrix.rotation_y(angle)
        self.apply_matrix(m, local)
    def rotate_z(self, angle, local=True):
        """ Calculate and apply a rotation around the z-axis of this object """
        m = Matrix.rotation_z(angle)
        self.apply_matrix(m, local)
    def scale_uniform(self, s, local=True):
        """ Calculate and apply a scaling transformation to this object """
        m = Matrix.scale(s, s, s)
        self.apply_matrix(m, local)

First, we make a generic apply_matrix method which accepts a transformation matrix as its first parameter and an optional Boolean as its second parameter. A True value for the Boolean indicates that the transformation is local to the object’s coordinate axes. Otherwise, we apply the matrix as a global transformation. Then, each method after that uses apply_matrix to apply a specific type of transformation matrix to this object.

Finally, add this code to the Object3D class for getting and setting the position of an object.

    def position(self):
        """ Get the position of this object relative to its parent node """
        return [self._transform.item((0,3)),

    def position(self, position):
        """ Set the position of this object relative to its parent node """
        if not isinstance(position, (list, tuple)) or len(position) != 3:
            raise ValueError("Object3D position must be a list or tuple in the form (x,y,z).")

        self._transform.itemset((0,3), position[0])
        self._transform.itemset((1,3), position[1])
        self._transform.itemset((2,3), position[2])

    def world_position(self):
        """ Get the position of this object relative to the root node """
        return [self.world_matrix.item((0,3)),

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

Here, the position and world_position properties both use a numpy.ndarray method called item(). This method returns the value inside the NDArray matrix at the given location. Remember, we use a 4x4 matrix to represent 3D transformations and the numbers in the last column (index 3) are the translation values for $x$, $y$, and $z$. So, we just extract the values from the last column and return them as the object’s position.

The position setter uses another numpy.ndarray method called itemset() which inserts values into a NDArray matrix. In this way, we can directly set the position of an object without applying a translation matrix.

Scene and Group

The Scene and Group classes have very little additional functionality, but they are conceptually important to our scene graph structure. The Scene class is the root node of the scene graph, so it will not accept any node as a parent. We will use the Group class to store transformations that we want to apply to many objects together as a whole. For example, a bundle of balloons would not have a visible parent object but each balloon would need the same transformation matrix when the bundle moves. We could apply the translation matrix to each balloon individually, or we could apply the matrix to an instance of Group that has each balloon as a child.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Open the scene_graph.py file in your core folder and go to the end of the file.
Add the following code after the last code of the Object3D class:

class Scene(Object3D):
    """ Represents the root node of the scene graph tree structure """
    def __init__(self):

    def parent(self, node):
        if node is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("The root node cannot have a parent.")

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

This time, we use a special decorator (@Object3D.parent.setter) to override the setter for the parent property in the Object3D superclass. Then we raise an exception if a program tries to assign a parent node to the scene node.

Add the following code after the last code of the Scene class:

class Group(Object3D):
    """ A node that represents a base for transforming a collection of child nodes """
    def __init__(self):

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.


In the real world, a camera is a physical object with a position and orientation that change relative to the world around it. In 3D CG the relationship between the camera and the world is a little different. The camera itself is not rendered, but instead represents the perspective of the viewer. From the viewer’s perspective, camera movements appear as if the entire world is moving and the viewer is staying still. Indeed, since the computer screen doesn’t move, we can think of camera movements as global transformations applied to the entire scene.

But if camera movements apply to the scene instead of the camera itself, that means we need to handle the camera’s global transformations a little differently. For example, if the camera moves two units to the right, all of the objects in the world appear to move two units to the left. Or when the camera rotates 90° clockwise, the rest of the world appears to rotate 90° counterclockwise. The scene’s movements are the inverse of the camera’s movements!

To that end, we will store the position and orientation of the camera separately as a view matrix which we calculate to be the inverse of the camera’s global transform matrix. In addition to the view matrix, we will also use the Camera class to manage the projection matrix for the scene.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Open scene_graph.py and add the following code to the imports at the top of the file:

from numpy.linalg import inv

Next, scroll to the bottom of scene_graph.py and add the following code after the last code of the Group class.

class Camera(Object3D):
    """ Represents the virtual camera used to view the scene """
    def __init__(self, angle_of_view=60, aspect_ratio=1, near=0.1, far=1000):
        self._projection_matrix = Matrix.perspective(
            angle_of_view, aspect_ratio, near, far
        self._view_matrix = Matrix.identity()

    def projection_matrix(self):
        return self._projection_matrix

    def view_matrix(self):
        self._view_matrix = inv(self.world_matrix)
        return self._view_matrix

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.


The Mesh class represents objects that can be rendered in the scene. It will combine two essential classes for managing rendered objects: the Geometry that handles vertex data and the Material class that handles appearance data. We will complete those two classes in the next lesson, but for now we can make empty classes to avoid errors.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In your graphics folder, create a new folder called geometries.
In the geometries folder, create two new files called __init__.py and geometry.py.
Open __init__.py and add the following code:

# graphics/geometries/__init__.py
from .geometry import *

This will allow us to import our Geometry class directly from the geometries module without needing to know the specific sub-module. Over the next few lessons we will create several kinds of geometries in different sub-modules, so this shortcut will be convenient for programming our apps.

Open geometry.py and add the following code:

# graphics/geometries/geometry.py
from core.openGL import Attribute

class Geometry(object):
    """ Manages vertex data and attribute variables """

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.
In your graphics folder, create a new folder called materials.
In the materials folder, create two new files called __init__.py and material.py.
Open __init__.py and add the following code:

# graphics/materials/__init__.py
from .material import *

Open material.py and add the following code:

# graphics/materials/material.py
import OpenGL.GL as GL

from core.openGLUtils import initialize_program
from core.openGL import Uniform

class Material(object):
    """ Manages shader program references, uniform variables, and OpenGL render settings """

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

Now we can create the Mesh class with Geometry and Material even though they are not fully implemented.

Open the scene_graph.py file again from inside the core folder.
At the top of the scene_graph.py file, add the following code to the import statements:

import OpenGL.GL as GL

from geometries import Geometry
from materials import Material

At the end of the scene_graph.py file, add the following code after the last code of the Camera class:

class Mesh(Object3D):
    """ A visible object in the scene with geometry and appearance data """
    def __init__(self, geometry: Geometry, material: Material):

        if not isinstance(geometry, Geometry):
            raise ValueError(f"Expected an instance of Geometry but got {type(geometry)} instead.")
        self._geometry = geometry

        if not isinstance(material, Material):
            raise ValueError(f"Expected an instance of Material but got {type(material)} instead.")
        self._material = material

        self._visible = True

        self._vao_ref = GL.glGenVertexArrays(1)

        # associate geometry attributes to the material's shader program
        for variable, attribute in geometry.attributes.items():
            attribute.associate_variable(material.program_ref, variable)

        # unbind this vertex array object

    def visible(self):
        return self._visible

    def visible(self, value):
        self._visible = bool(value)

Since this class heavily relies on the interfaces we will create in Geometry and Material, we use the __init__() method to make sure that we get instances of those two classes. By defining the parameters as (geometry: Geometry, material: Material), we are using type hints to let other developers know what kind of objects we expect for input. We also make a visible property so we can easily indicate that this object should be rendered.

The shader program will be stored in Material but the vertex attributes are stored in Geometry and the Mesh class manages the connection between the two. So naturally it should also maintain the vertex array object (VAO) that associates attribute data to shader program variables. With the self._vao_ref property, we can easily keep track of which VAO has the bindings for to which 3D object and it becomes a lot easier to draw multiple different shapes on the screen.

Next, add the following code for rendering the 3D object to the Mesh class.

    def render(self, view_matrix, projection_matrix):
        """ Updates data and settings before drawing this 3D object """

        # update matrix uniforms
        self._material.set_uniform("modelMatrix", self.world_matrix)
        self._material.set_uniform("viewMatrix", view_matrix)
        self._material.set_uniform("projectionMatrix", projection_matrix)

        # update the stored data and OpenGL settings before drawing
        GL.glDrawArrays(self._material.get_setting("drawStyle"), 0, 


Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

The render() method will apply the model matrix, view matrix, and projection matrix before updating OpenGL render settings and drawing the object. It uses properties and methods from the Material and Geometry classes which we will complete next time. For now, we can see that Mesh controls the VAO and render process for drawing this object while Material handles the shader program, matrices as uniform variables, and OpenGL render settings such as draw style.

There is still much more we need to add next time before we can render a 3D object, so look forward to it!

