48 minute read

In this lesson, we implement the classes Geometry and Material for handling all the attributes, vertices, shader programs, uniform data, and rendering settings of different 3D objects. We then introduce some extra components to aid the design and develop of 3D scenes.

In the previous lesson, we outlined the scene graph components for our framework and created many of the basic components, including Object3D, Scene, Group, Camera, and Mesh. At the time, we also created an empty Geometry class and Material class. In the first part of this lesson, we will finish implementing Geometry and Material in full detail and show some their use with some simple extensions.

A class diagram shows Renderer, Geometry, Material, BoxGeometry, BasicMaterial, and SurfaceMaterial as the targets for this lesson.

The classes we will make this time include BoxGeometry, BasicMaterial, and SurfaceMaterial which will allow us to render a 3D box with sides of different colors. The BasicMaterial class maintains a reference to a basic shader program that renders vertices with a white base color by default. The BoxGeometry class will define vertex colors separately so each side of the box can be a different color. This makes it easier to see the box clearly. Each extension of the BasicMaterial class will manage OpenGL render settings for its own draw style such as points, lines, or surfaces.

Once we have a basic geometry and material to use in a Mesh, we will then create the Renderer class that can draw every Mesh using Scene and Camera objects. After that we will have all the components we need to draw a 3D box in a test application.

Geometry ObjectsPermalink

The Geometry class contains a dictionary of Attribute objects associated with a geometric object. As a base class, it holds only the shared properties and behaviors of all geometry objects. So specific details about vertex data and attributes for certain types of geometric objects will be managed by different extensions of Geometry.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Open your geometry.py file from the geometries folder inside your main working folder.
Delete the word pass inside the Geometry class and add the following code:

    """ Store attribute data and their total number of vertices """
    def  __init__(self):
        self._attributes = {}

    def attributes(self):
        return self._attributes

    def vertex_count(self):
        return self.count_vertices()

    def set_attribute(self, variable_name, data, data_type=None):
        """ Add or update an attribute of this geometric object """
        if variable_name in self._attributes:
            self._attributes[variable_name].data = data
        elif data_type is not None:
            self._attributes[variable_name] = Attribute(data_type, data)
            raise ValueError("A new Geometry attribute must have a data type.")

    def count_vertices(self, variable_name=None):
        """ Count the number of vertices as the length of an attribute's data """
        if len(self._attributes) == 0:
            return 0
        if variable_name is not None:
            attrib = self._attributes.get(variable_name)
            if attrib is None:
                raise ValueError(variable_name, "No attribute with this name has been set")
            return len(attrib.data)
            return len(list(self._attributes.values())[0].data)

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

The _attributes dictionary will store instances of Attribute for each variable in the shader program. Since variable names are unique, we can use them as the key for the associated attribute. The set_attribute method updates data for an existing Attribute or creates a new one. We want to manage a reference to the attributes dictionary internally, so we name it with an underscore, as in _attributes, and create a getter property to allow external access. After an attribute has been set, we can use the count_vertices method to get the number of vertices. The vertex_count property will call count_vertices everytime so Geometry.vertex_count will always give us an up-to-date value. Properties are useful for providing simplified interfaces to complex internal behavior in this way.

Now that we have the base Geometry defined, we can create our first geometric objects: 2D rectangles and 3D boxes.


The first geometric object we will create is a simple 2D rectangle with its origin at the center of its area. The RectangleGeometry class will take two parameters—the width and height that define the two sides of the rectangle. Since its origin is at the center, we can find the xx and yy coordinates of its four vertices by calculating half of the height and width values.

A rectangle is drawn from two triangles defined by its width and height.

OpenGL only provides triangles as a way to draw filled-in shapes, so our rectangles will be drawn from two right triangles that share the same hypotenuse. Because of this, we need to define our vertices in a way that draws each triangle as a separate group. That means our position data for each rectangle will have six vertices instead of four. Also, the vertices must be listed in counterclockwise order so that the front sides of the triangles face in the positive zz direction.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In the geometries folder, create a new file called basic_geometries.py.
Open the __init__.py file in the geometries folder and add the following code:

from .basic_geometries import *

Open the basic_geometries.py file for editing and add the following code:

# graphics/geometries/basic_geometries.py
from .geometry import Geometry

class RectangleGeometry(Geometry):
    """ A rectangular object centered at (0,0) with a given width and height """
    def __init__(self, width=1, height=1):

        w, h = width/2, height/2

        # position vertices
        P0 = (-w, -h, 0)
        P1 = ( w, -h, 0)
        P2 = (-w,  h, 0)
        P3 = ( w,  h, 0)

        # color data for white, red, green, and blue vertices
        C0, C1, C2, C3 = (1,1,1), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)

        position_data = (P0,P1,P3,  # first triangle
                         P0,P3,P2)  # second triangle
        color_data = (C0,C1,C3,  # first triangle
                      C0,C3,C2)  # second triangle

        self.set_attribute("vertexPosition", position_data, "vec3")
        self.set_attribute("vertexColor", color_data, "vec3")

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

The color vertices are listed in the same order as the position vertices so that the shared vertices of the two triangles are the same color and there is a smooth gradient between them. If the color vertices did not align, then we would be able to see a clear divide between the colors running diagonally through the rectangle.


Our first 3D shape will be a box with eight points and six sides. Since each side must be drawn as two triangles, we must group our vertices to form a total of 12 triangles. And since each triangle is a collection of three points, the position and color data will have a total of 36 vertices each. As with the rectangle, our BoxGeometry class will only take the shape’s dimensions as parameters—the width, height, and depth as they define the lengths of the sides parellel to the xx, yy, and zz axes respectively. Again, we will calculate half the values of each to get the xx, yy, and zz coordinates of the points since the origin of the box will be at the center of its volume.

A box is drawn with eight points and six sides.

As before, we need to be careful about the ordering of the vertices. Each triangle group must list the vertices in counterclockwise order with respect to the direction they are facing. For example, the front-facing side will have vertices in order of (P4,P5,P7)(P4, P5, P7) and (P4,P7,P6)(P4, P7, P6) but the vertices of the back-facing side will be in order of (P1,P0,P2)(P1, P0, P2) and (P1,P2,P3)(P1, P2, P3). It may be easier to visualize this if we “unfold” the 3D shape so all the surfaces are arranged facing towards the viewer on a flat plane. The resulting image is called a net diagram and it helps us to easily see the correct ordering of the vertices.

A net diagram visualizes the correct ordering of the vertices by unfolding the box.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In the basic_geometries.py file, add the following code after the RectangleGeometry class:

class BoxGeometry(Geometry):
    """ A 3D box centered at its origin with given width, height, and depth """
    def __init__(self, width=1, height=1, depth=1):

        w, h, d = width/2, height/2, depth/2

        # position vertices
        P0 = (-w, -h, -d)
        P1 = ( w, -h, -d)
        P2 = (-w,  h, -d)
        P3 = ( w,  h, -d)
        P4 = (-w, -h,  d)
        P5 = ( w, -h,  d)
        P6 = (-w,  h,  d)
        P7 = ( w,  h,  d)

        # color vertex data for each side
        C1 = [(1,0,0)] * 6  # six red vertices
        C2 = [(1,1,0)] * 6  # six yellow vertices
        C3 = [(0,1,0)] * 6  # six green vertices
        C4 = [(0,1,1)] * 6  # six cyan vertices
        C5 = [(0,0,1)] * 6  # six blue vertices
        C6 = [(1,0,1)] * 6  # six magenta vertices

        position_data = (P5,P1,P3, P5,P3,P7, # right side
                         P0,P4,P6, P0,P6,P2, # left side
                         P6,P7,P3, P6,P3,P2, # top side
                         P0,P1,P5, P0,P5,P4, # bottom side
                         P4,P5,P7, P4,P7,P6, # front side
                         P1,P0,P2, P1,P2,P3) # back side
        # create a list of 36 RGB vertices
        color_data = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5 + C6 
        self.set_attribute("vertexPosition", position_data, "vec3")
        self.set_attribute("vertexColor", color_data, "vec3")

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

Again, the order of the vertex color data will decide the color of each side. The six red vertices are first, so they are assigned to the right side. Then the left side gets yellow vertices, the top side gets green, the bottom side gets cyan, the front side gets blue, and the back side gets magenta. These sides will be solid colors, so all six vertices on each side must be the same color. We took advantage of the * operator to multiply the lists and create six copies of each color vertex. If we wanted to see color gradients on each side, we would need to write out each color vertex similar to the way we write out each position vertex.

Material ObjectsPermalink

While the Geometry object manages geometric data concerning the shape, position, and color of an object’s vertices, the Material object manages data related to rendering the object including the shader program, Uniform objects, and OpenGL render settings.

The Material ClassPermalink

The Material base class will compile and initialize the shader program, store and manage uniform objects in a dictionary, and handle OpenGL-specific settings with another dictionary.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Open your material.py file inside the materials folder.
Delete the word pass inside the Material class and add the following code:

    """ Stores a shader program reference, Uniform objects, and OpenGL render settings """
    def __init__(self, vertex_shader_code, fragment_shader_code):
        self._program_ref = initialize_program(vertex_shader_code, fragment_shader_code)

        self._uniforms = {}

        # common shader uniforms used in the render process
        self.set_uniform("modelMatrix", None, "mat4")
        self.set_uniform("viewMatrix", None, "mat4")
        self.set_uniform("projectionMatrix", None, "mat4")

        # OpenGL render settings
        self._settings = {"drawStyle": GL.GL_TRIANGLES}

    def program_ref(self):
        return self._program_ref

    def get_setting(self, setting_name):
        """ Return a setting value if the setting exists; otherwise, return None """
        return self._settings.get(setting_name, None)

Each extension of the Material class can define its own vertex and fragment shader code which it will then pass to the superclass __init__ method. It is assumed that the shader program will include uniform variables for modelMatrix, viewMatrix, and projectionMatrix. We create and store associations for those variables with Uniform objects in a method called set_uniform which we define below. We also provide a getter for the program reference which will be necessary for the Mesh class to associate attribute variables in the program and then draw each object.

Next, add the following code to the Material class for managing uniform objects and OpenGL settings:

    def set_uniform(self, variable_name, data, data_type=None):
        """ Set or add a Uniform object representing a property of this material """
        if variable_name in self._uniforms:
            self._uniforms[variable_name].data = data
        elif data_type is not None:
            self._uniforms[variable_name] = Uniform(data_type, data)
            raise ValueError("A new Material property must have a data type.")

    def upload_data(self):
        """ Upload the data of all stored uniform variables """
        for uniform_obj in self._uniforms.values():

    def set_properties(self, properties):
        """ Set multiple uniforms and settings from a dictionary """
        for name, data in properties.items():
            if name in self._uniforms:
                self._uniforms[name].data = data
            elif name in self._settings:
                self._settings[name] = data
                raise ValueError(f"Material has no property named {name}")

    def update_render_settings(self):

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

The set_uniform method will update the data of an existing variable similar to the set_attribute method in the Geometry class. The difference here is that uniforms variables must be located in the program before their data can be uploaded, so the set_uniform method immediately locates any new Uniform object it creates. Then, the separate upload_data method updates all the uniform variable data linked in the program, which we will call from the Mesh class after setting the appropriate matrix data. The set_properties method is provided as a convenience so we can pass in all our uniforms and settings together in a single dictionary.

The update_render_settings method is empty here so that subclasses of Material can override it. The method will check for specific render settings in its self._settings dictionary and then call the relevant OpenGL functions based on the setting values.

Basic MaterialsPermalink

In our hierarchy of materials, the BasicMaterial class is a direct child of Material and its purpose is to provide the vertex shader code and fragment shader code for rendering points, lines, and surfaces. The shader program will be relatively simple with uniform variables for the projection matrix, view matrix, and model matrix along with attribute variables for the vertex position, and vertex color data.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In the materials folder, create a new file called basic_materials.py.
Open the __init__.py file in the materials folder and add the following code:

from .basic_materials import *

Open basic_materials.py for editing and add the following code:

# graphics/materials/basic_materials.py
import OpenGL.GL as GL

from .material import Material

class BasicMaterial(Material):
    """ A simple material for rendering objects in a solid color or vertex colors """
    def __init__(self):
        vertex_shader_code = """
        uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
        uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
        uniform mat4 modelMatrix;

        in vec3 vertexPosition;
        in vec3 vertexColor;
        out vec3 color;

        void main() {
            gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4(vertexPosition, 1.0);
            color = vertexColor;

        fragment_shader_code = """
        uniform vec3 baseColor;
        uniform bool useVertexColors;
        in vec3 color;
        out vec4 fragColor;

        void main() {
            vec4 tempColor = vec4(baseColor, 1.0);
            if (useVertexColors) tempColor *= vec4(color, 1.0);
            fragColor = tempColor;

        super().__init__(vertex_shader_code, fragment_shader_code)

        self.set_uniform("baseColor", (1,1,1), "vec3")
        self.set_uniform("useVertexColors", False, "bool")

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

Here we define the program code for the vertex shader and fragment shader. Then we call the superclass __init__ method and pass in the shader code so that the Material class __init__ method can initialize the program.

Notice that we provide a default color (white) with the baseColor uniform variable. In our apps, we will be able to override this color by setting useVertexColors to True and supplying vertex color data to the vertexColor attribute.

Now that the shader program is set, we can create subclasses that handle specific render settings by implementing the update_render_settings method.

Point MaterialPermalink

The first extension of our BasicMaterial class will render vertices as disconnected points. It will use setting properties for drawStyle and pointSize to call the appropriate OpenGL functions.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Open basic_materials.py for editing and add the following code after the BasicMaterial class:

class PointMaterial(BasicMaterial):
    Manages render settings for drawing vertices as rounded points.

    drawStyle - the OpenGL draw setting (default is GL_POINTS)
    pointSize - the width and height of each point in pixels (default is 8)
    roundedPoints - renders points with smooth corners (default is True)
    def __init__(self, properties=None):

        self._settings["drawStyle"] = GL.GL_POINTS
        self._settings["pointSize"] = 8
        self._settings["roundedPoints"] = True

        if properties:

    def update_render_settings(self):

        if self._settings["roundedPoints"]:

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

The drawStyle setting is used by the Mesh class when it draws itself, but the update_render_settings method handles all other OpenGL settings. Here it sets the point size with glPointSize and enables smooth points with glEnable.

Line MaterialPermalink

The next extension will enable drawing different types of lines. The “connected” type draws lines through each vertex, from the first to the last. The “loop” type will additionally draw a final line from the last vertex back to the first vertex. The “segments” type will draw separate lines between consecutive pairs of vertices.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Open basic_materials.py for editing and add the following code after the PointMaterial class:

class LineMaterial(BasicMaterial):
    Manages render settings for drawing lines between vertices.

    lineType: "connected" - draws through all vertices from first to last
    lineType: "loop" - draws through all vertices and connects last to first
    lineType: "segments" - draws separate lines between each pair of vertices
    def __init__(self, properties=None):

        self._settings["lineType"] = "connected"

        if properties:

    def update_render_settings(self):
        if self._settings["lineType"] == "connected":
            self._settings["drawStyle"] = GL.GL_LINE_STRIP
        elif self._settings["lineType"] == "loop":
            self._settings["drawStyle"] = GL.GL_LINE_LOOP
        elif self._settings["lineType"] == "segments":
            self._settings["drawStyle"] = GL.GL_LINES
            raise ValueError("Unknown line type: must be one of (connected, loop, segments).")

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

We use an original lineType setting to define supported values for the drawStyle setting and make this material easier to use. The values “connected”, “loop”, and “segments” are easier to understand than the OpenGL draw style constants of GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_LINE_LOOP, and GL_LINES. Additionally, we restrict the draw styles that can be used with this class by checking the value set to the lineType property.

Surface MaterialPermalink

The last extension will draw triangles between every three vertices to create a tiled surface. The front side of a surface is the one for which the vertices are drawn in counterclockwise order. OpenGL does not render the back side of a surface by default, but it does have a setting to render both sides. We will create a control parameter for that with the “doubleSide” setting. Additionally, we will make a “wireframe” setting for rendering only the lines of the surfaces without filling in the space between them.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Open basic_materials.py for editing and add the following code after the LineMaterial class:

class SurfaceMaterial(BasicMaterial):
    Manages render settings for drawing vertices as a colored surface.

    drawStyle - the OpenGL draw setting (default is GL_TRIANGLES)
    doubleSide - renders both sides of the surface (default is False)
    wireframe - renders just the triangle outlines (default is False)
    def __init__(self, properties=None):

        self._settings["drawStyle"] = GL.GL_TRIANGLES
        self._settings["doubleSide"] = False
        self._settings["wireframe"] = False

        if properties:

    def update_render_settings(self):
        if self._settings["doubleSide"]:

        if self._settings.get("wireframe", False):
            GL.glPolygonMode(GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL.GL_LINE)
            GL.glPolygonMode(GL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL.GL_FILL)

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

Now that we have created some geometry and material classes, we are a lot closer to being able to rendering objects. The last thing required is a class that controls how each mesh object renders with the camera.

Rendering Scenes with the FrameworkPermalink

The Renderer class is the last necessary component for rendering 3D scenes. It will initialize all the components of the scene including the camera and mesh objects. Then it sets up and manages general processes for the scene such as depth testing, antialiasing, and clearing each frame.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In the core folder, create a new file called renderer.py.
Open renderer.py for editing and add the following code:

# graphics/core/renderer.py
import OpenGL.GL as GL

from core.scene_graph import Mesh, Camera, Scene

class Renderer:
    """ Manages the rendering of a given scene with basic OpenGL settings """
    def __init__(self, clear_color=(0,0,0)):
        """ Initialize basic settings for depth testing, antialiasing and clear color """
        GL.glClearColor(*clear_color, 1) # unpack clear_color to pass its values separately

    def render(self, scene: Scene, camera: Camera):
        """ Render the given scene as viewed through the given camera """
        if not isinstance(scene, Scene):
            raise ValueError("The given scene must be an instance of Scene.")
        if not isinstance(camera, Camera):
            raise ValueError("The given camera must be an instance of Camera.")

        # clear buffers

        # draw all the viewable meshes
        for mesh in scene.descendant_list:
            if isinstance(mesh, Mesh) and mesh.visible:
                mesh.render(camera.view_matrix, camera.projection_matrix)

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

The Renderer object enables depth testing and antialiasing when it is created and also sets the background color. Then the app can call render and pass it a Scene and Camera object. Since the Scene is the root node of a scene graph, we can get every mesh in the scene with its descendant_list property. Then we can call the render method on every visible mesh object and pass it the camera’s view matrix and projection matrix.

Remember, each individual mesh handles the steps for rendering itself. These steps are:

  1. Specify the shader program with a material object to be used for rendering.
  2. Bind the VAO to link attribute data.
  3. Set the model, view, and projection matrices.
  4. Upload data to the uniform variables (such as matrices).
  5. Update OpenGL render settings.
  6. Draw the number of vertices in the goemetry object using the draw style of the material object.

All these steps we already programmed into the render method of the Mesh class in the previous lesson. (See the final code snippet in The Scene Graph.)

With the Renderer object complete, now we can finally render a 3D scene. Let’s make a simple spinning cube in the center of the screen using the BoxGeometry and SurfaceMaterial classes.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In your main working folder, create a new file called test_9_1.py.
Open test_9_1.py for editing and add the following code:

# graphics/test_9_1.py
from math import pi

from core.app import WindowApp
from core.renderer import Renderer
from core.scene_graph import Scene, Camera, Mesh
from geometries.basic_geometries import BoxGeometry
from materials.basic_materials import SurfaceMaterial

class Test_9_1(WindowApp):
    """ Test basic scene graph elements by rendering a spinning cube """
    def startup(self):
        print("Starting up Test 9-1...")

        self.renderer = Renderer()
        self.scene = Scene()
        self.camera = Camera(aspect_ratio=4/3)
        self.camera.position = (0, 0, 4)

        geometry = BoxGeometry()
        material = SurfaceMaterial({"useVertexColors": True})
        self.mesh = Mesh(geometry, material)

        self.rotate_speed_Y = 2/3 * pi
        self.rotate_speed_X = 1/3 * pi

    def update(self):
        self.mesh.rotate_y(self.rotate_speed_Y * self.delta_time)
        self.mesh.rotate_x(self.rotate_speed_X * self.delta_time)

        self.renderer.render(self.scene, self.camera)

# initialize and run this test at 800 x 600 resolution

Save the file and run it with the command python test_9_1.py in the terminal.
Confirm that you can see a spinning cube in the center of the screen with each side a different color.

Our test apps are quite a bit shorter now that we have encapsulated a lot of the rendering tasks in scene graph components!

The startup method creates a Renderer, Scene, Camera with 4:3 aspect ratio, box geometry, and surface material with different colored vertices. It combines the geometry and material into a mesh object before adding the mesh to the scene graph. We also set different rotation speeds for rotating around the yy-axis and xx-axis.

After everything is set up, the update method simply applies the rotations to the mesh before rendering the entire scene.

Extra ComponentsPermalink

Now that all the necessary components for rendering basic shapes are complete, we can think about special objects that make it easier to design a 3D scene. All of our scenes so far have just been shapes floating in a black void. Let’s change that by creating a structure showing the global coordinate axes and a grid to orient the user. After rendering these objects in a scene, we will also create a special object that allows the user to move the camera and explore the scene from all angles.

Axes HelperPermalink

The coordinate axes will include three box geometries—one for each axis. Using the box geometry allows us to give a thickness to the axes without worrying about platform compatibility. (Line width cannot be changed with glLineWidth on MacOS.) Here we can use our Group class for the base mesh and add children to it for each of the three separate axes.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Inside your graphics folder, create a new folder called extras.
Inside the extras folder, create a new file called __init__.py and a file called helpers.py.
Open helpers.py for editing and add the following code:

# graphics/extras/helpers.py
from core.scene_graph import Mesh, Group
from geometries import Geometry
from geometries.basic_geometries import BoxGeometry
from materials.basic_materials import SurfaceMaterial, LineMaterial

def get_axes_helper(length=1, thickness=0.1, colors=((1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1))):
    """ Provides a mesh of the three coordinate axes with different colors """
    mesh = Group() # parent node for the three axes

    # translation distance for each box in the positive direction
    offset = length/2 + thickness/2

    # the x-axis is a is a long, narrow, red box
    x_mesh = Mesh(
        BoxGeometry(length, thickness, thickness), 
        SurfaceMaterial({"baseColor": colors[0]})
    x_mesh.translate(offset, 0, 0)

    # the y-axis is a long, narrow, green box
    y_mesh = Mesh(
        BoxGeometry(thickness, length, thickness), 
        SurfaceMaterial({"baseColor": colors[1]})
    y_mesh.translate(0, offset, 0)

    # the z-axis is a long, narrow, blue box
    z_mesh = Mesh(
        BoxGeometry(thickness, thickness, length), 
        SurfaceMaterial({"baseColor": colors[2]})
    z_mesh.translate(0, 0, offset)


    return mesh

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

Each axis is a mesh with a BoxGeometry and a SurfaceMaterial. We use length for the size of the dimension that corresponds to the given axis while the other two dimensions take the thickness value. We use the baseColor attribute instead of vertexColors for the material since so that the entire box will be one color. Then we translate each mesh so it extends away from the origin along the positive direction of its respective axis. We add all three axes to the group node specified by mesh and return the group of meshes to the app that calls the get_axes_helper function.

Grid HelperPermalink

The next helper component shows lines in a square grid so that the user can get a feel for their location when moving around a scene.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Inside the helpers.py file, add the following code at the bottom after the last code in the get_axes_helper function:

def get_grid_helper(size=10, divisions=10, minor_color=(0,0,0), major_color=(0.5,0.5,0.5)):
    """ Creates a flat square wireframe grid on the XY plane """
    # prepare position and color data from the parameters
    position_data = []
    color_data = []

    delta_tick = size/divisions
    ticks = [-size/2 + n*delta_tick for n in range(divisions + 1)]

    # two vertices for each vertical line
    for x in ticks:
        position_data.append((x, -size/2, 0))
        position_data.append((x,  size/2, 0))
        if x == 0:

    # two vertices for each horizontal line
    for y in ticks:
        position_data.append((-size/2, y, 0))
        position_data.append(( size/2, y, 0))

        if y == 0:

    # put the vertex data into a Geometry
    geometry = Geometry()
    geometry.set_attribute("vertexPosition", position_data, "vec3")
    geometry.set_attribute("vertexColor", color_data, "vec3")

    # create a material for drawing line segments
    material = LineMaterial({
        "useVertexColors": True,
        "lineType": "segments"

    return Mesh(geometry, material)

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

We calculate coordinates for the grid on the xyxy-plane by defining vertices for vertical lines first and horizonal lines second. Apps that use the grid mesh will be able to easily rotate it 90°90° in any direction to place it along the desired plane.

The ticks list contains values of coordinates along the axis perpendicular to each line. Then, the first for loop uses the values in ticks as xx-coordinates for vertical lines. The second for loop also uses the same ticks values but sets them to the yy-coordinates of horizontal lines instead.

The major_color parameter sets the color for the two center lines while the minor_color parameter sets the color for all the rest. Like the get_axes_helper function, the get_grid_helper function directly returns the mesh which our apps can then place in their scene to render the grid.

Now let’s make sure these two helper meshes render correctly with a test app.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Inside your graphics folder, create a new file called test_9_2.py.
Open test_9_2.py for editing and add the following code:

# graphics/test_9_2.py
from math import pi

from core.app import WindowApp
from core.renderer import Renderer
from core.scene_graph import Scene, Camera
from extras import helpers

class Test_9_2(WindowApp):
    """Test rendering a grid and axes with helper classes."""
    def startup(self):
        print("Starting up Test 9-2...")

        # initialize renderer, scene, and camera
        self.renderer = Renderer()
        self.scene = Scene()
        self.camera = Camera(aspect_ratio=800/600)
        self.camera.position = (5, 2, 7)
        self.camera.rotate_y( pi/6)

        # use the helper classes to create meshes for the grid and axes
        axes = helpers.get_axes_helper(length=3)
        grid = helpers.get_grid_helper(size=20, minor_color=(1,1,1), major_color=(1,1,0))
        grid.rotate_x(-pi/2) # rotate from xy-plane to xz-plane


    def update(self):
        # render the scene
        self.renderer.render(self.scene, self.camera)

# initialize and run this test

Save the file and run it with the command python test_9_2.py in the terminal.
Confirm that you can see a white and yellow grid stretching out in front of the camera with red, green, and blue axes in the center.

If all goes well, the application should show the following scene:

Colorful coordinate axes and grid lines help orient the viewer.

Camera RigPermalink

The final component is a special object that carries the camera as it moves in three dimensions. In addition, the camera will be able to pan up and down without affecting the direction of movement. We can accomplish this by making the CameraRig class extend the Group class and then add to it the camera object as a child node. Inputs related to movement will apply to the CameraRig object itself while inputs for panning the camera will apply as local transformations to the camera. Keeping these as local transformations will make sure the camera always rotates with respect to its parent, the CameraRig.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Inside the extras folder, create a new file called camera_rig.py.
Open camera_rig.py for editing and add the following lines of code:

# graphics/extras/camera_rig.py
from math import pi

from core.scene_graph import Group

class CameraRig(Group):
    """ A camera that can look up and down while attached to a movable base """
    KEY_MOVE_LEFT = 'a'
    KEY_MOVE_RIGHT = 'd'
    KEY_MOVE_UP = 'e'
    KEY_MOVE_DOWN = 'q'
    KEY_TURN_LEFT = 'j'
    KEY_TURN_RIGHT = 'l'

    def __init__(self, camera, inverted=True, units_per_second=1.5, 

        # attach the camera as a child node of this group node
        self._camera = camera

        self._move_speed = units_per_second
        self._rotate_speed = degrees_per_second

        if inverted:
            self.KEY_LOOK_UP = 'k'
            self.KEY_LOOK_DOWN = 'i'
            self.KEY_LOOK_UP = 'i'
            self.KEY_LOOK_DOWN = 'k'

    def update(self, input, delta_time):
        # calculate distances for moving and rotating since the last frame
        move_amount = self._move_speed * delta_time
        rotate_amount = self._rotate_speed / 180 * pi * delta_time

        # move the body in all directions
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_MOVE_FORWARD):
            self.translate(0, 0, -move_amount)
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_MOVE_BACKWARD):
            self.translate(0, 0,  move_amount)
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_MOVE_LEFT):
            self.translate(-move_amount, 0, 0)
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_MOVE_RIGHT):
            self.translate( move_amount, 0, 0)
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_MOVE_UP):
            self.translate(0,  move_amount, 0)
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_MOVE_DOWN):
            self.translate(0, -move_amount, 0)

        # turn the body left and right
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_TURN_RIGHT):
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_TURN_LEFT):
            self.rotate_y( rotate_amount)

        # turn the camera to look up or down
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_LOOK_UP):
            self._camera.rotate_x( rotate_amount)
        if input.iskeypressed(self.KEY_LOOK_DOWN):

Make sure there are no errors and save the file.

The CameraRig class uses an instance of Input from core.app to handle keyboard inputs. The WASD and QE keys control moving the rig while the JL keys will turn it left and right. The IK keys then pan the camera up and down, depending on whether the inverted option is set or not. Notice that the KEY_LOOK_UP and KEY_LOOK_DOWN inputs apply a rotation to self._camera while all the others apply to self.

Finally, let’s make our last test application to try out the camera rig.

Inside your graphics folder, create a copy of the file called test_9_2.py and change its name to test_9_3.py.
Open test_9_3.py for editing and add the following import statement just before the class definition:

from extras.camera_rig import CameraRig

Scroll down to the startup method and delete the following lines of code:

        self.camera.position = (5, 2, 7)
        self.camera.rotate_y( pi/6)

In place of the deleted code, add the following:

        self.rig = CameraRig(self.camera, inverted=False)
        self.rig.position = (5, 2, 7)

Scroll down to the update method and add the following code just before # render the scene:

        # handle inputs and animations
        self.rig.update(self.input, self.delta_time)

Save the file and run it with the command python test_9_3.py in the terminal.
Confirm that you can move the camera in all directions in addition to panning it up and down.

:congratulations: Congratulations! :tada:
You have now completed enough components to start creating some interesting 3D scenes. What other components can you think of that might provide a benefit to programming interactive 3D applications? Try extending Geometry and Material classes and using other core components to build something fun or practical.

