41 minute read

In this lesson, we introduce uniform data for use in animations and keyboard events for greater interaction with the application.

In the section Working with Uniform Data, we introduce uniform variables that store shared values for both the vertex shader and the fragment shader, then use them to animate a triangle moving across the screen. In the section Adding Interactivity, we extend the Input class to handle various keyboard events and give the user control over the triangle’s movements.

With vertex array objects, we can associate position and color data to GPU program variables. However, we cannot share the same instances of data between vertices due to the way VAOs are structured. Instead, we need to give each vertex its own data value. This means we repeat data values for vertices that use the same value, such as when we want them to be the same color. This is not ideal. Repeating data multiple times in our source code lowers the maintainability and extensibility of our software. To change the color of a solid-color hexagon, we would need to change the data for six different vertices.

But there is an easier way! In situations like this we can use a special kind of global variable called a uniform variable which stores values in a way that makes them accessible across programs (i.e., uniform access). That means both shaders can use the same uniform variable for every vertex in the array.

Working with Uniform Data

Uniform variables are useful when we want to send data directly from our application to variables in the GPU program. They do not store data in vertex buffers, and we do not need VAOs to manage their associations. Instead, we just use glGetUniformLocation to get a reference to the uniform variable inside the GPU program and then assign a value to it with one of the many glUniform functions. The glUniform function we use will depend on the data type and number of values it holds as indicated in the function name. For example, sending a single integer (or Boolean value) would use glUniform1i (here i means int) but sending a vec3 would require glUniform3f (and f means float). Then the shader programs will reference that data every time it draws a frame.

The Uniform Class

Similar to how we made the Attribute class for attribute variables in the previous post, we will now create the Uniform class to handle uniform variables. The responsibilities of this class are to:

  • store the data and data type of the uniform variable in the GPU program;
  • get and store a reference to the uniform variable in the GPU program;
  • and load the data into the uniform variable as needed.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In your core folder, open the file called openGL.py.
Scroll to the end of openGL.py and add the following code at the bottom:

class Uniform:
    """ Manages a single uniform variable in a shader program """

    _VALID_TYPES = ("int","bool","float","vec2","vec3","vec4")  

    def __init__(self, data_type, data):
        # check the given data type
        if data_type.lower() not in self._VALID_TYPES:
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data type: {data_type}")
        self.data_type = data_type.lower()

        # data to be sent to uniform variable
        self.data = data

        # reference for the variable's location in the shader
        self.variable_ref = None

The Uniform class stores the valid data types with a tuple and raises an exception if the given data type is not one of them. This makes it easier to debug your code if you have a typo in your application code or try to use a type that we do not support.

Now add the locate_variable method to the Uniform class.

    def locate_variable(self, program_ref, variable_name):
        """ Get and store a reference to a uniform variable with the given name """
        self.variable_ref = GL.glGetUniformLocation(program_ref, variable_name)
        if self.variable_ref == -1:
          raise ValueError(f"No uniform variable found with name {variable_name}")

Here we use the glGetUniformLocation function to get a reference to the uniform variable in the given program. That function will return -1 if the variable cannot be found. We don’t want our program to fail silently if it cannot find the variable, so we raise an exception with a descriptive message for the programmer.

Next, add the upload_data method to the Uniform class.

    def upload_data(self):
        """ Store data in a previously located uniform variable """
        # check that the variable reference exists
        assert self.variable_ref is not None, \
            "Call locate_variable() before upload_data()."

        if self.data_type == "int":
            GL.glUniform1i(self.variable_ref, self.data)
        elif self.data_type == "bool":
            GL.glUniform1i(self.variable_ref, self.data)
        elif self.data_type == "float":
            GL.glUniform1f(self.variable_ref, self.data)
        elif self.data_type == "vec2":
            GL.glUniform2f(self.variable_ref, *self.data)
        elif self.data_type == "vec3":
            GL.glUniform3f(self.variable_ref, *self.data)
        elif self.data_type == "vec4":
            GL.glUniform4f(self.variable_ref, *self.data)

The first thing we do is confirm that we have a reference to the uniform variable. self.variable_ref is set to None when the Uniform object initializes, but then it receives a value in the locate_variable method. So our message to the programmer is a reminder to call locate_variable before upload_data. Then we check the data type of this uniform variable and upload the data with the appropriate glUniform function. If the data stores more than one value (such as a list or tuple), then we unpack the data to pass its values as separate arguments to the GL function.

Make sure there are no errors and save the openGL.py file.

Next we will write a simple test program to confirm that the Uniform class works as expected.

A Test of Two Triangles

The application that tests the Uniform class will show two triangles with the same shape, but different positions and colors. For this purpose, we will use shader programs that are slightly modified from before. The new vertex shader code looks like this:

# GLSL version 330
in vec3 position;
uniform vec3 translation;
void main() {
    vec3 pos = position + translation;
    gl_Position = vec4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1.0);

There are a couple of things to notice here. First, the translation variable has the uniform qualifier which declares it to be a uniform variable. We will use our Uniform class to upload data to translation when we write the the test app.

Second, the value we assign to gl_Position (which defines the location of each vertex) combines the values of position and translation. The position variable will reference three vertices centered around the origin that together represent the triangle’s shape. The translation variable stores values representing the change in position for the triangle. Combining position and translation will effectively move the center of the triangle before drawing it. We will use this approach so that the left triangle moves $-0.5$ units along the $x$-axis and the right triangle moves $0.5$ units.

The new fragment shader code looks like this:

# GLSL version 330
uniform vec3 baseColor;
out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
    fragColor = vec4(baseColor.r, baseColor.g, baseColor.b, 1.0);

This one is even simpler. Before drawing each triangle, we just upload its color to the baseColor uniform variable. We will make the left triangle red and the right triangle blue.

Our test app will create an instance of the Uniform class for each of the translation and baseColor uniform variables so that we can upload their values and store their references. Setting up each Uniform instance happens in the startup method. Then, in the update method, it will upload the data to use for translation and baseColor before drawing each triangle.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In your graphics folder, create a new file called test_4_1.py.
Open test_4_1.py and add the following code:

# graphics/test_4_1.py
import OpenGL.GL as GL

from core.app import WindowApp
from core.openGL import Attribute, Uniform
from core.openGLUtils import initialize_program

class Test_4_1(WindowApp):
    """ Test Uniform by drawing two separate instances of the same triangle """
    def startup(self):
        print("Starting up Test 4-1...")

        # vertex shader code with a uniform variable
        vs_code = """
        in vec3 position;
        uniform vec3 translation;
        void main() {
            vec3 pos = position + translation;
            gl_Position = vec4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1.0);

        # fragment shader code with a uniform variable
        fs_code = """
        uniform vec3 baseColor;
        out vec4 fragColor;
        void main() {
            fragColor = vec4(baseColor.r, baseColor.g, baseColor.b, 1.0);

        self.program_ref = initialize_program(vs_code, fs_code)

        # we only need one vertex array object this time
        vao_ref = GL.glGenVertexArrays(1)

        # initialize the triangle vertices relative to the origin (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        position_data = (
            ( 0.0,  0.2, 0.0), 
            ( 0.2, -0.2, 0.0), 
            (-0.2, -0.2, 0.0)
        self.vertex_count = len(position_data)
        position_attribute = Attribute("vec3", position_data)
        position_attribute.associate_variable(self.program_ref, "position")

        # initialize a Uniform object for each translation and baseColor value
        self.left_translation = Uniform("vec3", [-0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.left_translation.locate_variable(self.program_ref, "translation")

        self.right_translation = Uniform("vec3", [0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.right_translation.locate_variable(self.program_ref, "translation")

        self.red_color = Uniform("vec3", [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.red_color.locate_variable(self.program_ref, "baseColor")

        self.blue_color = Uniform("vec3", [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
        self.blue_color.locate_variable(self.program_ref, "baseColor")

    def update(self):

        # load and draw the left, red triangle
        GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, self.vertex_count)

        # load and draw the right, blue triangle
        GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, self.vertex_count)

# initialize and run this test

Save the file and run the application with the python test_4_1.py command in your terminal.
Confirm that you can see a red triangle on the left side of the screen and a blue triangle on the right side.

This app saves a reference to each Uniform object associated with a uniform variable in the shader. Then we can reference the Uniform object in the update method and use its upload_data method to assign its value to the associated variable before drawing. Note that the data MUST be uploaded BEFORE calling glDrawArrays or the shader program will not use the correct data to draw.


Until now, all of our test apps have used the update method to draw still images, which it does 60 times a second. Remember that in the application runtime lifecycle, the update method runs in a continuous loop that updates data and renders the image at 60 FPS (see the run method in the WindowApp class). With static images, we get no real benefit from structuring our application in this way. The benefit comes when the image changes over time to create animations. Let’s take a look at the essential techniques for animating our rendered images.

Clearing the Screen

One of the essential techniques in computer animation is to clear the screen in between frames. If we do not clear the screen, then the images drawn in the previous frame will remain on the screen and the new images will draw on top of them. Clearing the screen will effectively erase the previously drawn image and prepare the screen for drawing the new frame. OpenGL provides two functions for this:

  • The glClearColor function sets a RGBA color to use when clearing the color buffer. The color provided will effectively become the background color for the new frame.
  • The glClear function resets a buffer specified by the parameter. OpenGL constants can be used for the parameters, such as GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, or any combination of these using the bitwise OR | operator.

Our next test app will create an animation of a single triangle moving to the right across the screen. When it moves off screen completely, it will reposition itself on the left side of the screen and continue moving to the right. This is called a wrap-around effect.

The source code is very similar to test_4_1.py, except this time we only use the red triangle and completely rewrite the update method. In the update method, we will increment the translation data representing the triangle’s $x$-coordinates and clear the color buffer before redrawing the triangle.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In your graphics folder, create a new file called test_4_2.py.
Open test_4_2.py and add the following code:

# graphics/test_4_2.py
import OpenGL.GL as GL

from core.app import WindowApp
from core.openGL import Attribute, Uniform
from core.openGLUtils import initialize_program

class Test_4_2(WindowApp):
    """ Test animations with uniform variables by moving a triangle across the screen """

    def startup(self):
        print("Starting up Test 4-2...")

        # vertex shader code
        vs_code = """
        in vec3 position;
        uniform vec3 translation;
        void main() {
            vec3 pos = position + translation;
            gl_Position = vec4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1.0);

        # fragment shader code
        fs_code = """
        uniform vec3 baseColor;
        out vec4 fragColor;
        void main() {
            fragColor = vec4(baseColor.r, baseColor.g, baseColor.b, 1.0);

        self.program_ref = initialize_program(vs_code, fs_code)

        # get and bind a vertex array object
        vao_ref = GL.glGenVertexArrays(1)

        # the triangle shape as three vertices around the origin
        position_data = (
            ( 0.0,  0.2, 0.0),
            ( 0.2, -0.2, 0.0), 
            (-0.2, -0.2, 0.0)
        self.vertex_count = len(position_data)
        position_attribute = Attribute("vec3", position_data)
        position_attribute.associate_variable(self.program_ref, "position")

        # the triangle will begin to the left of the origin
        self.translation = Uniform("vec3", [-0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.translation.locate_variable(self.program_ref, "translation")

        self.base_color = Uniform("vec3", [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        self.base_color.locate_variable(self.program_ref, "baseColor")

        # specify the color to use for clearing the screen
        GL.glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    def update(self):
        # update the translation value to move the triangle to the right
        self.translation.data[0] += 0.01

        # if the triangle passes off screen, move it to the left side
        if self.translation.data[0] > 1.2:
            self.translation.data[0] = -1.2

        # reset the color buffer with the previously specified color


        GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, self.vertex_count)

# initialize and run this test

Save the file and run the application with the python test_4_2.py command in your terminal.
Confirm that you can see a red triangle moving to the right of the screen and then wrapping around to the left side.

Since this app only draws a single triangle, it only needs one Uniform object for the translation variable and one for the baseColor variable. Here we use a list for the data of each Uniform object because Python tuples are immutable (i.e., they cannot change). If we used a tuple instead, we would not be able to change the data values (and would not be able to animate the triangle).

In the update method, we directly set the new data for the $x$-coordinate translation in the Uniform object before uploading its data. If the triangle moves more than 1.2 units to the right, we reposition it to the left side of the screen. Remember, the leftmost point in the triangle position data is at -0.2 on the $x$-axis, so a translation value of 1.2 will put it at exactly 1.0, the edge of the screen.

Keeping Time

Another essential technique in computer animation is to calculate movements based on the amount of time that has passed since the previous frame. For this purpose, we will introduce two new instance variables in WindowApp for keeping track of time:

  • The time variable will count the total number of seconds that the application has been running.
  • The delta_time variable will store the number of seconds that have passed since the last interation of the run loop.

These variables will go in the WindowApp class so they can be inherited into each of our applications.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In your core folder, open the file called app.py.
Look inside the WindowApp class and add the following code to the end of the __init__ method:

        # timekeeper variables
        self.__time = 0
        self.__delta_time = 0

Here, the double underscores in the variable names will give complete control of the variable to the WindowApp class. That means our apps could create their own __time and __delta_time variables without overwriting the timekeeper features in WindowApp.

Inside the WindowApp class, add two @property definitions for the time and delta_time variables.

    def time(self):
        return self.__time

    def delta_time(self):
        return self.__delta_time

This makes the time and delta_time variables read-only so apps cannot mess around with time.

Finally, go to the run method inside the WindowApp class and find the line that calls self.update().
Just before the self.update() call inside the while loop, add the following code:

            # calculate seconds since the last iteration of the run loop
            self.__delta_time = self.clock.get_time() / 1000
            # increment the total time that the app has been running
            self.__time += self.__delta_time

Make sure there are no errors and save the app.py file.

Now let’s test the timekeeper variables with an application that calculates the triangle’s position based on time. We could make the triangle move back and forth across the screen with simple linear equations, or we can use sine and cosine functions to make the triangle move more smoothly between $1$ and $-1$ values. If we assign cosine and sine to the $x$ and $y$ coordinates respectively, we can calculate a circular path from the time variable (represented by $t$):

\[\begin{aligned} x&=cos(t) \\ y&=sin(t) \end{aligned}\]

This creates a circle centered at the origin $(0,0)$ with a radius of $1.0$. We can change the radius to some value $r$ and the center to some coordinate $(a,b)$ by altering the equations a little bit:

\[\begin{aligned} x &= r \cdot cos(t) + a \\ y &= r \cdot sin(t) + b \end{aligned}\]

If the triangle’s path has a radius of $1.0$, then it will partially disappear off screen at the edges. So let’s reduce the radius to $0.75$ instead.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Copy your test_4_2.py file and change its name to test_4_3.py.
Inside test_4_3.py find the lines with the class definition, document string, and print statement then change them to the following:

class Test_4_3(WindowApp):
    """ Test using timekeeper variables to animate a triangle moving in a circle """
    def startup(self):
        print("Starting up Test 4-3...")

On the last line of the file, change the code that runs the application to Test_4_3().run().
At the top of the file, change the comment and add an import statement to get functions for sine and cosine:

# graphics/test_4_3.py
from math import sin, cos

Inside the update method, delete the code before glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) and add the following code:

        # update the (x,y) position along a circular path
        self.translation.data[0] = 0.75 * sin(self.time)
        self.translation.data[1] = 0.75 * cos(self.time)

Save the file and run the application with the python test_4_3.py command in your terminal.
Confirm that you can see a red triangle moving in a circle around the center of the screen.

This app uses self.time as the number of radians for the sine and cosine calculations, so the triangle will complete one full revolution every $2 \pi$ (about 6.28) seconds.

The final test app for animations will use our timekeeper variables to animate changing color. We will copy test_4_3.py and use the sine and cosine functions again, but this time we will change the value of the baseColor shader variable instead of translation.

Color values must be in the range of $[0.0,1.0]$ but sine results are in the range $[-1.0,1.0]$, so we need to change our equation again. We can do this by shifting the results out of the negative values with $sin(t) + 1$ so the range becomes $[0.0,2.0]$. Then we just shrink the range of values in half to create the final equation $f(t) = 0.5(sin(t)+1)$.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Copy your test_4_3.py file and change its name to test_4_4.py.
Inside test_4_4.py find the lines with the class definition, document string, and print statement then change them to the following:

class Test_4_4(WindowApp):
    """Test using timekeeper variables to animate shifting colors."""
    def startup(self):
        print("Starting up Test 4-4...")

On the last line of the file, change the code that runs the application to Test_4_4().run().
Inside the update method, delete the code before glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) and add the following code:

        # update the red value based on time passed
        self.base_color.data[0] = 0.5 * (sin(self.time) + 1)

Save the file and run the application with the python test_4_4.py command in your terminal.
Confirm that you can see the triangle fading from red to black and back to red again.

The green and blue values of the triangle color are stored in self.base_color.data[1] and self.base_color.data[2], respectively. If we wanted to shift through a wider range of colors, we would need to update those values also. But the equations for the green and blue values would need to be different so they peak at different times. In order to visualize this, it may be helpful to see a graph. Desmos.com has a very useful graphing tool and I have prepared one to show oscillating RGB values here. Try playing with the expressions to see what different effects you can create!

Adding Interactivity

Up to now, our applications have only allowed one kind of input—closing the window. If our framework also allows for keyboard inputs, we will be able to create apps with much greater interactivity.

Keyboard Input with Pygame

In our current framework design, we handle input events with the update method of the Input class. We use Pygame to detect input events and process quit type events. Now let’s add the ability to handle keyboard events in the Input class. There are two types of keyboard events that Pygame recognizes:

  • Keydown events happen when a key is first pressed down.
  • Keyup events happen when a pressed key is released.

These Pygame events are discrete, which means they happen only in a single moment. However, some user actions are continuous which means they happen over a period of time (such as holding down an arrow key or doing click-and-drag actions). In order to handle continuous keyboard inputs in addition to discrete ones, we will use sets to keep track of each key’s state. Sets are useful here because we know each key is unique and the order we store them does not matter.

When we check for events in the update method, we will look at the keyboard event type and then record the name of the key in sets that represent their state:

  • The down_keys set will hold names of keys that have just been pressed with a keydown event in the current update cycle.
  • The pressed_keys set will hold names of keys that have been pressed but are not released yet.
  • The up_keys set will hold names of keys that have just been released with a keyup event in the current update cycle.

The keydown and keyup events represent discrete states, so we will clear their sets at the start of each update cycle. The pressed_keys set holds keys in a continuous state, so their names will remain in the set until their keyup event is received.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
In your core folder, open the file called app.py.
Look for the __init__ method inside the Input class and add the following code at the end of __init__:

        # sets for the key states
        #   Down and Up are discrete states 
        #   Pressed states last continuously between Down and Up events
        self.__down_keys = set()
        self.__pressed_keys = set()
        self.__up_keys = set()

Again, we want only the Input class to manage these sets, so we name them with double underscores (__). But we will give read-only access from outside the class.

Just before the update method in the Input class, add properties for each of the key state sets.

    def down_keys(self):
        return self.__down_keys

    def pressed_keys(self):
        return self.__pressed_keys

    def up_keys(self):
        return self.__up_keys

Now, it is common for applications to have a keyboard shortcut for closing the application. Currently, our quit property is read-only so we cannot use it to close an application with the Input class. Let’s add a setter property for quit to give some control back to the applications.

Just after the quit property inside the Input class, add a setter property with the code below.

    def quit(self, value):
        self._quit = bool(value)

Here we convert the given value to a Boolean type and assign it to _quit. This way we can make sure that the values assigned to the _quit variable will always be True or False.

Find the update method inside the Input class. Add the following code just before the for loop in the update method.

        # reset all the discrete states

Inside the for loop of the update method, add the following code at the end (after it handles quit events).

            # handle keyboard events
            #  - keydown events initiate the pressed state
            #  - keyup events terminate the pressed state
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                key_name = pygame.key.name(event.key)
            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                key_name = pygame.key.name(event.key)

Finally, add three convenience methods inside the Input class for checking the state of a given key.

    def iskeydown(self, key_code):
        """Checks the down state of the given key"""
        return key_code in self.__down_keys

    def iskeypressed(self, key_code):
        """Checks the pressed state of the given key"""
        return key_code in self.__pressed_keys

    def iskeyup(self, key_code):
        """Checks the up state of the given key"""
        return key_code in self.__up_keys

Now let’s test this new feature with a small program that outputs messages to the console about key states.

In your main working folder, create a new file called test_4_5.py.
Open test_4_5.py for editing and add the following code:

# graphics/test_4_5.py
from core.app import WindowApp

class Test_4_5(WindowApp):
    """ Test keyboard inputs with the Input class """
    def startup(self):
        print("Starting up Test 4-5...")

    def update(self):
        if len(self.input.down_keys) > 0:
            print(f"Keys down: {self.input.down_keys}")

        if len(self.input.pressed_keys) > 0:
            print(f"Keys pressed: {self.input.pressed_keys}")

        if len(self.input.up_keys) > 0:
            print(f"Keys up: {self.input.up_keys}")

        # typical use case for key presses
        if self.input.iskeypressed("space"):
            print("The 'space' key is being pressed!!")

        # typical use case for keyboard shortcuts
        if self.input.iskeydown("escape"):
            print("The 'escape' key was pressed--Exiting the application!")
            self.input.quit = True

# initiate and run this test

Save the file and run it with the command python test_4_5.py in the terminal.
Try pressing different keys, including Space and Esc, to see the different event behaviors.

Incorporating with Graphics Programs

Now that we have an Input class with working keyboard features, let’s use them to control the movements of a triangle on the screen. We will begin with our first test app with animation test_4_2.py and change its update method to control the triangle’s movement with keyboard input.

:heavy_check_mark: Try it!
Copy your test_4_2.py file and change its name to test_4_6.py.
Inside test_4_6.py find the lines with the class definition, docstring, and print statement then change them to the following:

class Test_4_6(WindowApp):
    """Test interactivity features by using the arrow keys to move a triangle."""
    def startup(self):
        print("Starting up Test 4-6...")

On the last line of the file, change the code that runs the application to Test_4_6().run().
At the end of the startup method, add an instance variable for the triangle’s speed.

        # triangle speed in units per second
        self.speed = 0.5

The speed is defined in the same units as the screen coordinates, so it should take 4 seconds to move from one edge of the screen (at $-1.0$) to the opposite edge (at $1.0$).

Inside the update method, delete the code before glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) and add the following code:

        # move the triangle based on its speed and the key being pressed
        distance = self.speed * self.delta_time
        # left ← is the negative x direction
        if self.input.iskeypressed("left"):
            self.translation.data[0] -= distance
        # right → is the positive x direction
        if self.input.iskeypressed("right"):
            self.translation.data[0] += distance
        # down ↓ is the negative y direction
        if self.input.iskeypressed("down"):
            self.translation.data[1] -= distance
        # up ↑ is the positive y direction
        if self.input.iskeypressed("up"):
            self.translation.data[1] += distance

Save the file and run it with the command python test_4_6.py in the terminal.
Try each of the arrow keys and confirm that the triangle moves in the correct direction.

:warning: NOTE: Different operating systems might use different names for their key events. For example, "left" might be "left arrow" instead. This test_4_5.py app may be a useful tool for you in the future when you want to know which names are associated with different keys.

