Automated literature reviews

Using Python with NLTK to search paper abstracts

One of my first projects using the Python language was for collaborative research with the Kanazawa University Practical Pharmacology Laboratory. The goal was to automate the literature review process using natural language processing (NLP).

This project used a lot of resources:

I published my work for this research in the school’s bulletin. Here are the slides and abstract below.

A Natural Language Processing Approach to Reviewing Research Abstracts from Robert Songer

Research literature reviews have largely moved online and researchers must search through large quantities of digital documents to find research related to their academic pursuits. With recent developments in Natural Language Processing (NLP), computers can perform most of the searching and reduce the amount of time it takes researchers to find the papers they need. In this report, we introduce three basic NLP techniques (tokenization, frequency distributions, and in-sentence collocations) for searching the written texts of research abstracts downloaded from an online database. Real examples written in the Python programming language are provided along with a discussion of their efficacy in a project at Kanazawa University where an online research database was searched for research related to the adverse effects of hundreds of pharmaceutical compounds.

The source code used for this project is also available on GitHub, but be warned! It is just a basic repository without a README or even source code comments. I’m sure I could tidy up the code if I ever have the time to go back and apply all the best practices I’ve learned since completing this project in 2020.